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We found .45-70 Government ammo in stock at the following retailers:

$2.01/rd 20 for $40.19 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“Fort Scott Munitions 45-70 Gov Ammunition 4570300SCV1 300 gr Solid Copper Spun 20 Rounds, 87 in Stock”
$2.05/rd 20 for $40.99 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“Fort Scott Munitions 45-70 Gov't Ammunition FSM4570300SCV1 300 Grain 20 Rounds”
$2.25/rd 20 for $45.11 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“Fort Scott 4570-300-SCV1 45-70 Government Ammunition 300Gr Copper Solid 20 Rounds, 24 in Stock”
$2.26/rd 20 for $45.35 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“FUSION 4570GVT 300GR 20/200, 799 in Stock”
$2.35/rd 20 for $47.09 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“FED PWRSHK 45-70 300GR SPR FN 20/200, 1090 in Stock”
$2.39/rd 20 for $47.83 .45-70 Government 300 grain
“FED HMR DWN 45-70GVT 300GR SP 20/200, 432 in Stock”
$2.39/rd 20 for $47.90 .45-70 Government 300 grain JHP
“WIN SPRX 4570GVT 300GR JHP 20/200, 957 in Stock”
$6.25/rd 2 for $12.50 .45-70 Government
“A-Zoom 45-70 Government Dummy Rounds 12231 2 Rounds, 11 in Stock”
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